Author: Claudia Amendola

What Works for You: 3 Common & Effective Treatment Options for Depression


Depression is one of the most well-known and common mental illnesses in the United States. Most commonly associated with symptoms of sadness and apathy, individuals with major depression experience symptoms that last for two weeks or more and are severe enough to impact daily activities. Though the onset of major depression can occur at any age, the median onset age is 32, which indicates that younger populations have a higher risk for developing this condition.

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Cancelled Plans

Keeping track of medication, symptoms, doctor’s appointments, screenings, in addition to all the “regular” aspects of my life can be draining. Just as important as making sure to be on top of my health, it’s as important to maintain positive relationships with important people in my life. This is why the notion of cancelling plans is such an unpleasant facet of my reality.

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Every six months I get to have a Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). An MRCP is an MRI of the liver and bile ducts, and is meant to check for any biliary obstructions, as well as provide detailed images of the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. The MRCP also diagnoses Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC).  I had my first one about six months ago, and that was what diagnosed PSC.

Now, it is necessary to monitor the progression of this illness.

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Ah medication. Such a complex subject when dealing with autoimmune disease right? The main reason for this is that any medication used to treat an autoimmune disease, works by suppressing the immune system, and the immune system (while overactive in our cases) is actually still, very, necessary! So what does that mean?

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Clock in a dark room with ray of sun shining on it

Time is such a fascinating concept isn’t it?

It can be measured, it is exact, it is vast, it is achingly short, it is profoundly versatile. Mathematicians and physicists use it as a variable, individuals use it to schedule their day, and some of us whine about when we have to lose an hour for Daylight Saving Time. A few of my friends here might recall my countdown to wrap up my doctoral internship, where the steady passage of time was most welcome.

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An Introduction

King's Seat Scotland

Being alive is hard. Before I continue, please read that as not an existential crisis a la Dostoyevsky, but as the realistic musings of a clinical psychologist who was recently diagnosed with not one, but two chronic autoimmune illnesses (and, as my Rheumatologist has informed me, possibly will have a third one in my future). Having introduced that little tid bit of personal information, allow me to provide you with the purpose of this blog: A place for learning, for understanding, and ultimately for healing.

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